A Study in Karma
Annie Besant
Published in 1917
The Builder
Now thought works on matter; every change in
consciousness is answered by a vibration in matter, and a similar change,
however often repeated, brings about a similar vibration. This vibration is
strongest in the matter nearest to you, and the matter nearest to you is your
own mental body. If you repeat a thought, it repeats the corresponding
vibration, and, as when matter has vibrated in a particular way once it is
easier for it to vibrate in that same way again than to vibrate in a new way,
the more often you repeat a thought the more ready the
vibrationary response. Presently, after much
repetition, a tendency will be set up in the matter of your mental body,
automatically to repeat the vibration on its own account; when it does this –
since the vibration in matter and the thought in consciousness are inseparably
linked – the thought appears in the mind without any previous activity on the
part of consciousness.
Hence when you have thought over a thing – a virtue,
an emotion, a wish – and have deliberately come to the conclusion that it is a
desirable thing to have that virtue, to feel that emotion, to be moved by that
wish, you quietly set to work to create a habit of thought.
You think deliberately of it every morning for a few
minutes, and soon you find that it arises spontaneously in the mind (by the
aforesaid automatic activity of matter). You persist in your thought-creation
until you have formed a strong habit of thought, a habit which can only be changed
by an equally prolonged process of thinking in the opposite direction. Even
against the opposition of the will, the thought recurs to the mind – as many
have found when they are unable to sleep in consequence of the involuntary
recurrence of a harassing
thought. If you have thus established the habit, say,
of honesty, you will act honestly automatically; and if some strong gust of
desire sweeps you into dishonesty on some occasion, the honest habit will
torment you as it would never torment a habitual thief.
You have created the habit of honesty; the thief has
no such habit; hence you suffer mentally when the habit is broken, and the
thief suffers not at all. Persistence in strengthening such a mental habit
until it is stronger than any force which can be brought to bear upon it makes
the reliable man; he literally cannot lie, cannot steal; he has built himself
an impregnable
By thought, then, you can build any habit you choose
to build. There is no virtue which you cannot create by thought. The forces of
nature work with you, for you understand how to use them, and they become your
If you love your husband, your wife, your child, you
find that this emotion of love causes happiness in those who feel it. If you
spread the love outwards to others, an increase of happiness results. You,
seeing this and wishful for the happiness of all, deliberately begin to think
love to others, in an ever wider
and wider circle, until the love-attitude is your
normal attitude towards all you meet. You have created the love-habit, and have
generalized an emotion into a virtue, for a virtue is only a good emotion made
general and permanent (See Bhagavan Das’ The Science of Emotions) Everything is
under law; you cannot obtain mental ability or moral virtue by sitting still
and doing nothing.
You can obtain both by strenuous and persevering
thinking. You can build your mental and moral nature by thinking, for "man
is created by thought; what he thinks upon, that he becomes; therefore
think" on that which you aspire to be, and inevitably it shall be yours.
Thus shall you become a mental and moral athlete, and your character shall grow
rapidly; you made in the past the character with which you were born; you are
making now the character with which you will die, and will return. This is
karma. Every one is born with a character, and the character is the most
important part of karma. The Musalman says that "a man is born with his
destiny tied round his neck". For a man’s destiny depends chiefly on his
A strong character can overcome the most unfavourable
circumstances, and overclimb the most difficult obstacles. A weak character is
buffeted by circumstances, and fails before the most trivial obstacles.
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